The B4 Masterclasses Begin

Sep 24, 2018 | Insights, News

A fantastic opportunity for B4 members to learn from an expert and an opportunity for our masterclass presenters to engage with potential customers, the B4 Masterclasses are here to stay so why not get in touch to find out about becoming a presenter. It’s also a great opportunity to meet other B4 members and get an updated photo for your B4 profile in our new photographic studio.

So Why Masterclasses?

With the exception of Business in Oxford where B4 members have the opportunity to present on one day in the year, we have never had a platform for B4 members to promote their services to the B4 community. There is a wealth of expertise in the B4 community so we thought it would be a great idea to set up regular masterclasses at our fabulous new offices, just off the A34 near Bicester.

The Format

It starts well in advance of the actual masterclass with a 2 minute HOW TO video shot with the presenter in the B4 studios. We then use that video through social media to engage potential delegates to sign for the masterclass up to two months later.

Promotion of the masterclasses will make it clear:

• Which businesses should register – what business sizes, from specific sectors where applicable and who in the business should register

• What level of knowledge is assumed – is this a beginners class or is there a level of knowledge assumed

The masterclass itself lasts for 90 minutes and includes networking with the other delegates, the presentation itself and Q&A. Depending on the time of day, we also provide all refreshments. The presenter will provide a FACT SHEET summarising their talk and we also send out a survey to provide feedback to the presenter.


None! There’s no cost to present and there’s no cost to attend – it’s a B4 member benefit.

Who are the masterclasses open to?

Any employee who works for a B4 member. We reckon, conservatively, there are in excess of 20,000 employees so why not send your staff along for some free training?

What have we got to look forward to?

We already have over 50 masterclasses lined up for 2019 and hope to have doubled this by the end of the year.

Good Practice Employment with You HR

Many SME’s don’t have HR support or realise the invaluable benefits of engaging such support to ensure their most important asset is managed, their staff! Like other services provided (IT, Finance, Legal) engaging HR expertise is a vital component of any business to assist in navigating, developing and proactively advising the right way forwards to enable development in your business and for individuals’. All too often HR is engaged at a point where things are going wrong. Please contact Jonna (details below) if you would like a copy of the FACT SHEET from this presentation.

About YouHR

Jonna is a Human Resources and Organisational Development professional. A fellow member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (FCIPD) with over 20 years experience across both public and private sector, from the NHS and RBS to Centrica and the Royal Mail. In 2010 Jonna set up the consultancy to address the need for a personalised approach to HR solutions more aligned to differing client business needs.

If you are interesting in hosting your own Masterclass at B4 HQ get in touch today on 01865 742211 or email info@