Back in the office and struggling to concentrate? Here are six ways to boost your productivity levels

Oct 21, 2021 | News

Below, experts at Office Furniture Online give their top tips on how you can improve your productivity levels in the office.


As many people who work in an office will know, the thermostat is a never-ending battle – one minute it’s too hot and the next too cold. Shivering, sweating or constantly thinking about how hot or cold you feel can be a major distraction.

It’s crucial that the room is comfortable for everyone. Therefore, make sure there are plenty of fans during the summer and adequate sources of heat during the winter.


A well-lit office is essential to allow employees to carry out their everyday tasks. Natural light is the best as this can help improve mood, happiness, and well-being.

If you do have to use artificial lighting, really take your time choosing as bad lighting can lead to fatigue, headaches, and even eyestrain.

Drinks and Snacks

Ensuring staff are hydrated and energised will help to keep them well-fuelled throughout the day. Healthy snacks such as fruit and nuts are always a great option.

Storage and Cleanliness

Storage and cleanliness pretty much go hand-in-hand and thanks to the likes of Marie Kondo, organisation and decluttering have become popular.

An organised office can increase your focus and improve productivity, so clutter must be kept to a minimum. Keep things neat and tidy by having adequate storage such as cupboards and filing cabinets. 

Similarly, maintaining a clean environment is just as important. Not only is it essential for hygiene and sanitary reasons, particularly at the moment, but a clean office can help prevent the spread of germs and reduce the likelihood of people becoming ill.


No one likes an uncomfortable chair, plus the wrong seating position could lead to bad posture which could affect your health. Ergonomic chairs are ideal for promoting a healthy seating position and preventing back and neck strain.

Along with seating, desks and work surfaces should also be considered. Ensure the shape of the desk fits your needs and provides you with enough space to work efficiently. You may also want to consider

Designated Areas

Splitting the workspace into specific areas for work, breaks, and meetings can not only create a more organised office but could also lead to improved employee focus.

If you have an open-plan office, you might want to look at placing some meeting pods to create a private space for team catch-ups.

Mark Taylor, Managing Director at Office Furniture Online, adds: “Offices have most definitely become busier again over recent months. Whilst this is great to see, working from home may have made it more difficult to become settled and concentrate in the office environment again.

“As employees spend the majority of their day in the office it’s important to create a productive environment which will benefit not only the people but in turn the business too. Therefore, we hope our top tips can help people make the most of their workday.”

For more tip on increasing your productivity in the office, head over to: