Blake Morgan achieves Ecovadis Silver Medal sustainability rating

Jul 21, 2021 | News

The results, which saw Blake Morgan achieve an 82nd percentile score, rank them inside the top 25 per cent of all companies assessed by EcoVadis and inside the top nine per cent of all companies assessed within the finance and legal sectors.

The firm’s strong environmental policies and initiatives to promote effective reporting on total energy consumption were one of the key reasons behind Blake Morgan’s success through the assessment process.  Equally high scoring in the process was the firm’s record on labour and human rights, with a strong package of employee benefits and the considerable attention the firm pays to employee welfare helping establish the firm as a positive environment for workers.

A strong set of policies related to ethics at the firm – covering areas such as disciplinary sanctions to deal with policy violations, policies on information security and corruption, and dedicated responsibility for ethics issues – were also scored highly and contributed to the firm’s impressive score.

Kath Shimmin, Chair at Blake Morgan said: “For our firm to be in the top nine per cent of firms within the legal and accounting sectors for its sustainability credentials is a remarkable feat.  This achievement is testament to the hard work of everyone throughout the firm to promote strong, robust, and socially conscious policies which drive what we do and are part of why I’m so proud to be Chair of Blake Morgan.”