Blenheim Estate Homes Welcomes Government’s New National Planning Code

Jul 23, 2021 | News

The code looks to set out clear design parameters to help local authorities and communities decide what good quality design looks like in their area.

It stipulates the importance of nature and access to open spaces as well as utilising local materials to ensure new homes fit in with their environment.

The Blenheim Estate is among the first of the country’s large estates to adopt landowner legacy principles, inspired by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales stating they have a social, economic and moral responsibility to deliver developments of which both long term landowners and local communities can be proud.

They are championing the concept of encouraging new developments to be created by the ‘right kind of builder’ and for principles of stewardship to be rewarded.

“As local landowners we are committed to working with local builders, using local building materials to create high quality homes that will be around for the long term,” said Blenheim Estate’s Property Director Roger File.

“As part of that commitment we also want to break the mould of existing housing association provision by universally offering up to 40% discounts to the market rent, allowing local people and key workers access to truly affordable homes.

“We’re also calling on the government to stipulate all new homes must be built to the UK Passive House Standard from 2025,” he added.

Blenheim is hoping other large landowners will also adopt similar approaches and are already working in partnership with Radley College on a new housing development on their land.

“Our intention is to validate this model and show other long-term landowners that it’s viable, explaining to them how we’re doing it differently,” he said.

“We’re proud to be developing some land with Radley College. They could build more cheaply, but they understand that investing in housing, and affordable housing, is a sound strategy.

“Our intention is to explain to others how we’re doing things differently and to demonstrate the success of this venture to other estates and landowners,” he added.

Property is an integral part of Blenheim’s 10-year development programme that includes tripling the Estate’s contribution to the local economy, delivering 300 truly affordable homes for local families and creating a £45m endowment fund to ensure the long-term future of the World Heritage Site.