COVID-19 Government Briefing Roundup

Mar 23, 2020 | News

  • 143,186 have been tested 25,150 are positive There have been 381 deaths and the total deaths is now 1,780
  • 10,767 have been admitted of which 3,915 are in London and 1,918 in the Midlands
  • Hospitals have been told to test key workers
  • The supply of specific reagents is critical as are the next two weeks
  • There was a message of some hope and some green shoots are appearing but we are not out of the woods yet

Government Briefing by The Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab Monday 30th March

  • New deaths today 180 bringing total number who have died to 1408
  • New cases were 2619 Making the total to date 22141
  • Deliberately taking the right steps at the right time
  • The spirit of selflessness is a credit to all
  • 100’s of 1000’s of people are stranded abroad
  • Despite a number returning there are still a great number still abroad
  • Working with airlines to keep as many commercial flights open as possible
  • We have never faced this sort of issue of getting people home ever
  • Announced a new arrangement between Government and airlines like BA Virgin and EasyJet
  • Where commercial flights are not an option special charter flights will be commissioned and a £75 million fund has been set aside for this purpose.

Government Briefing Secretary of State for Local Government Robert Jenrick Sunday 29th March

  • 127,737 have been tested 1,228 have died an increase of 209, 19522 have tested positive
  • All parts of the country are on an emergency footing
  • BJ warns stricter measures may be necessary
  • Provision of PPE, National supply distribution team supported by the military
  • Most vulnerable now have a dedicated web and phone portal

Government Briefing Alok Sharma Business Secretary Saturday 28th March at 4pm

  • Total number of deaths in the UK has risen to 1028 from 17089 cases that have tested positive
  • The minister Repeated the measures both health and financial that have been taken
  • Grants for businesses from local councils have started with councils now beginning to receive the money for distribution
  • A new measure is the Aim to help companies facing insolvency with changes in insolvency regulation
  • Medical Director Professor Stephen Powis was Confident of getting on top of this virus, we shouldn’t be complacent but adhere to all the advice especially social distancing. Otherwise stay at home, protect the nhs and save lives

Government Briefing Michael Grove Chancellor of The Duchy of Lancaster Friday 27th March at 5pm

  • There are now 14543 positive cases which is a 2885 increase and with 759 deaths, an increase of 189
  • We must slow the progress of these numbers and put measures in place
  • It is a United National effort and protecting our front line troops (The nhs) is paramount
  • 33000 hospital beds are available for Covid-19 cases
  • Two further nightingale NHS hospitals are opening in mid April in Birmingham and Manchester
  • Staff testing will continue with increasing numbers as from next week
  • The prime minister and the health secretary have both tested positive, whilst Chris Whitty, England’s Chief Medical Officer is showing mild symptoms and is self isolating
  • NHS Chief Executive Sir Simon Stevens has praised the way all the emergency services have worked together also the local councils and government who have brought in the military to help deal with the crisis.

Rishi Sunak The Chancellor Thursday 26th March at 5pm

  • Started by confirming the measures so far and which have had a good take up
  • To support people who work for themselves there will be grants for 80% of the average profits for the last three years, up to a maximum of £50,000
  • If you are eligible HMRC will contact you

Prime Minister’s briefing Wednesday 25th March at 5pm

  • The plan is to delay the peak of the disease
  • With your help we will slow the spread of the disease
  • 405,000 NHS volunteers have today responded to our call for assistance across a whole range of expertise
  • On the jobs front More from the Chancellor tomorrow with help for the self employed
  • We have sufficient tests for people in intensive care
  • Testing is being stepped up for nhs workers currently working in our hospitals
  • Quality of testing is absolutely critical
  • Stay at home apart from getting essential supplies or taking exercise

Ministerial Briefing Health Secretary Matt Hancock Tuesday 24th March at 4.30pm

  • Today there were 87 new deaths making 422 deaths in total, the total number of cases has now grown to 8077 cases
  • Millions of new tests have been purchased and will be available in the next few days
  • Mr Hancock repeated the measures brought in by the Prime Minister yesterday.
  • Fines for non-compliance will start at £30 but will be increased if necessary
  • The more we follow these rules the earlier we will stop this virus
  • The next step is the recruitment of volunteers for people to return to work for the nhs
  • The call has been answered by 11788 people, 2660 doctors, over 2500 health professionals and pharmacists and over 6000 nurses
  • In total over 35000 new staff including final year students nurses and medics.
  • Next week a new hospital called the NHS nightingale hospital with a capacity for 2 wards of 2000 patients will open in London at The Excel Centre.
  • He Thanked the staff of the nhs plus paramedics, health professionals and pharmacists

Prime Minister’s Briefing Monday 23rd March 2020 at 8.30pm

  • If too many people become ill at one time the NHS will be unable to cope
  • From now on you must stay at home other than for
    – Shopping
    – SMedical care
    – SGoing to and from work
    – SExercise at one time per day
  • All shops will be closed apart from food and medical supplies
  • All church services will no longer happen
  • All social events including weddings and baptisms,but excluding funerals, will be cancelled
  • All gatherings of more than two people (excluding those you live with) in public are banned
  • He concluded however by saying we will beat this virus and we will beat it together

Government Briefing Sunday 22nd March 2020 5.00pm

  • New measures coming into effect:
  • Shield the most vulnerable people. NHS has identified the 1.5m of the most vulnerable people and will be contacted and told not to leave home for the next 12 weeks.
  • Creation of a number of local hubs. They will deliver medicines, care and food to these people.
  • Parks will remain open but social distancing must be maintained.

Government Briefing March 21st 2020 George Eustice Secretary of State for the Environment

  • 4072 present number of cases in UK
  • Be responsible when you shop
  • Take what you need and remember to think of those essential workers who cannot get to the shops until late on.
  • Some shops are putting limits on what individuals may want

Government Briefing 5.15pm 20th March 2020

  • Repeated the governments objective to turn the tide against this disease within the next 12 weeks
  • Also the mantra of social distancing, washing hands and self isolating if any of the symbols, a dry cough, fever or high temperature are present.
  • New direction re: Pubs, bars, restaurants, cafes, theatres, night clubs, leisure centres and gyms need to close as of this evening.
  • The Chancellor announced a combination of measures.
  • To protect people’s jobs the government will step into pay 80% of people’s wages up to £2500 backdated to March 1st. The first grants will be paid by the end of the month.
  • Business loans will be available from Monday and will now be for twelve months.
  • In addition Vat will not be paid for the next quarter and repaid over 12 months.
  • Universal credit allowance will be increased by £1000 and a job retention scheme will be put in place.
  • Also 30% of rent payable will be waived.

Prime Minister’s Briefing 5’15pm 19th March 2020

  • Bank rate reduced from .25% to .1% . This is the lowest it has ever been.
  • 20,000 troops have been mobilised to help in the crisis
  • The prime Minister said we will Control the virus by the end of the next 12 weeks
  • First random trial of a drug by a corona virus patient
  • Repeats previous advice regarding working from home where possible and anybody showing symptoms must stay at home
  • Also wash your hands and social distancing is vital
  • Hotels in London are prepared to hand over a huge amount of beds to help the nhs
  • No plans to lock down London or the underground system
  • Testing of nhs workers is paramount
  • Total deaths in England are now 128. Italy has now overtaken China with 3405 deaths reported
  • The measures we have in place should bring down the rate of growth of cases

Government Briefing 5.15pm 18/03/2020

  • All Schools closed from Friday pm
  • Key workers children and most vulnerable children will still be allowed to go police officers nhs workers delivery drivers of key supplies
  • Further education colleges to do the same
  • Exams will not take place in May and June
  • Children not to be left with older members of the family
  • Everyone must follow the advice
  • Stay at home if you have a symptom
  • The whole family needs to stay at home if one member shows any of the symptoms
  • 104 people have died and there are 2626 active cases
  • Scale up testing up to 25000 per dayAim is for the nhs bed and ventilator capacity is not breached
  • Antibody testing is proceeding rapidly, that is tests to find out if someone has had the disease.
  • This would be a game changer.