Data Protection Challenges of Hybrid Working

Oct 7, 2021 | News

In our latest infographic we analyse the data protection challenges and pitfalls, and provide you with a checklist to help decision making.


Introducing new technology to facilitate and enhance team productivity.

  • Training provided and understanding checked?
  • Easy for staff to access? (So they don’t shortcut!)
  • Controls and training for anyone else using the system?
  • Lines of reporting and monitoring?


Staff and others Accessing Multiple Digital Platforms.

  • Who owns the device?
  • Which apps and software are being used?
  • Anyone else using the device or Internet connection?
  • Robust password controls?
  • Is the data being processed in the UK/EU?


Processing data between the home-office and office, and using co-working space(s).

  • Who can see the device/paper/system in use?
  • Who see it when not in use?
  • Private space for confidential conversations or work?
  • Are USB sticks/drives or DVDs being used?
  • Where is the personal data is being processed?
  • What format is the personal data?

Tips and Solutions

  • Remember GDPR also applies to paper files, not just digital ones.
  • Conduct a GDPR Audit to identify areas of risk.
  • Review and update your register of processing activities (your ‘data map’).
  • Keep your asset register (hardware, software) up to date.
  • Consider a Data Protection Impact Assessment for new or changing technology or processing activities.
  • Review and update policies to ensure they reflect the hybrid working model you are adopting.
  • Establish robust lines of communication for reporting, monitoring and managing the processing of personal data.
  • Provide updated data protection and security training to your staff who are affected by hybrid working and check their understanding.
  • Provide regular data protection training to people who are affected by hybrid working… and check their understanding.