Fairtrade: Empowering Communities and Ethical Consumerism

Mar 2, 2023 | News

What is Fairtrade?

Fairtrade is a global movement that aims to promote better working conditions, fair prices, and sustainable practices for farmers and workers in developing countries. Fairtrade organisations work directly with farmers and workers to ensure that they receive fair wages, safe working conditions, and access to resources and training that can help improve their livelihoods.

Buying Fairtrade

When you buy Fairtrade products, you are supporting these efforts and helping to create a more equitable and sustainable global economy. Fairtrade products include coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, bananas, and many other products that are grown or produced in developing countries.

What is Fairtrade fortnight 2023?

Fairtrade Fortnight is an annual event that is taking place in the UK and other countries around the world from February 27th – March 12th. It is a two-week campaign that aims to raise awareness about Fairtrade and encourage people to buy Fairtrade products. During Fairtrade Fortnight, there are a variety of events and activities that take place, such as Fairtrade coffee mornings, film screenings, and talks by Fairtrade producers. The goal of Fairtrade Fortnight is to help people understand the impact of their purchasing decisions and to encourage them to choose products that have a positive impact on people and the planet.

Why should I buy fairtrade products?

5 reasons why buying Fairtrade products is beneficial:

  1. Fair wages and working conditions: Fairtrade ensures that farmers and workers receive fair wages and work in safe and healthy conditions. This helps to lift them out of poverty and create more stable and sustainable communities.

  2. Sustainability: Fairtrade encourages sustainable practices, such as organic farming and reducing the use of harmful chemicals. This helps to protect the environment and preserve natural resources for future generations.

  3. Empowering communities: By buying Fairtrade products, you are supporting local communities and helping to empower small-scale farmers and workers. This can help to create more equitable and democratic societies.

  4. Quality products: Fairtrade products are often of high quality, as farmers and workers are incentivised to produce the best possible products in order to earn better prices.

  5. Ethical consumption: Buying Fairtrade products is a way to use your purchasing power to make a positive difference in the world. It is a way to support a more equitable and sustainable global economy and to promote social and environmental justice.

View Fairtrade coffee, tea & sugar