Fitch Brew Co Heads to the USA

Jun 30, 2020 | Insights, News

So where will the Fitch range be hitting the shelves? The USA! The new contract is described as an ‘unparalleled opportunity’ for the York-based soft drinks brewery, and worth £2.6 million over the next five years. Ironically, Andy and Emily were originally inspired by the American market to found the business when they developed a passion for cold brew coffee whilst there on holiday.

They realised there was a gap in the UK market for low calorie, low sugar soft drinks and founded FITCH in 2017, explains Andy. “Our ethos from day one with FITCH was to showcase 100 per cent natural, real ingredients and develop craft around producing flavoursome and healthy soft drinks. We were bored of the soft drinks available on the market and with companies taking shortcuts around ingredients.”

By that summer they had sold their first can of Cold Brew Coffee made from purified water and ethically-sourced, natural ingredients.

So the opportunity to enter the US market was serendipitous, but one which didn’t come with a bucketful of challenges, even though this wasn’t Fitch’s first foray overseas with the brand already exporting to Spain, France, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. The US push is with distributor KeHE and will see Fitch’s full range of products available in the world’s number one cold brew market, with KeHE supplying more than 30,000 stores across the North America.

International Trade Secretary Liz Truss added, “Keeping global trade flowing is more important than ever for businesses like FITCH Brew Co. I am proud of our continued work to support UK exporters during this challenging time.
“This is a great example of how demand in the US for UK food and drink is booming and the industry is one of many that will feel the positive impact of a free trade agreement.”

However, the business is not resting on this success or the estimates of a 300% increase in turnover. The soft drinks company has two new products currently in development, with plans underway to enter more markets and scale-up production.

We wish all three Deeley’s every success in their expansion and look forward to catching up in the future to see how Fitch’s incredible rise has continued.
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