Have your say on Oxford city cycle lanes plans

Nov 18, 2021 | News

The quickways project proposes improved cycling accessibility on key city routes in east, south and north Oxford. Informal consultations for these quickways took place from 20 September to 31 October and received approximately 1,500 responses.

Members of the public are now being invited to have a further say on the specific planned road use changes and traffic regulations that would be made for the cycle lanes to operate safely and efficiently for everyone.

Councillor Tim Bearder, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways Management, said: “I’d like to thank everyone for taking part in the informal consultation. We are now progressing the statutory consultation associated with the legal traffic regulation orders and welcome your views on this next stage. We are listening to the feedback we receive and are making appropriate changes accordingly. Oxfordshire’s new Fair Deal Alliance is all about improving communication and collaboration. Our collective goal is to eliminate costly, polluting and dangerous traffic congestion and provide excellent, reliable and safe alternatives but exactly how we do this must be a joint endeavour and so please take some time to give us your thoughts.”

Feedback is being sought on:

  • clearways – stretches of road where stopping or parking a vehicle is restricted
  • 20 mph speed limits
  • waiting / parking restrictions including reduction in available spaces for parking
  • a zebra crossing.

The consultation with details and all related plans is available on Let’s Talk Oxfordshire, in the ‘Highway traffic regulation orders and public notices’ section. Visit https://letstalk.oxfordshire.gov.uk/quickways2021

Responses and comments can also be sent to quickways@oxfordshire.gov.uk or in writing to Quickways TRO, FREEPOST OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL (no further address needed).

For more information about this release contact the Oxfordshire County Council and Cherwell District Council communications team on 01865 323870 or email press.office@oxfordshire.gov.uk