How Wellbeing Centric Are You?

Feb 14, 2019 | Insights, News

Un-healthiness in the workplace costs us significantly… 131 million working days are lost on average each year, costing around £60 billion, 1 in 4 of us do less than 30 minutes exercise per week, with the average person spending around 9 hours sitting each day.

More than half the time lost for long term absence is proportioned to stress, with employers spending £2.4 billion on staffing leaving work due to mental ill health.

January traditionally brings a combination of post-Christmas bills, the abandonment of New Year resolutions, low sunlight levels and cold weather. These significantly contribute to employee mental health and, if working conditions are difficult, can lead to an increase of people handing in their notice.

Ensuring that workplace wellness is at the forefront of everyone’s mind You HR Consultancy deliver workshops that offer an insight into best practice workplace wellbeing.

We Explore

The current challenges we all face in day-to-day working lives
What drives our workplace wellbeing
How we can create our own personalised takeaway to make an immediate positive difference.
From this we can help you to achieve:

• After 3 months: 73% increase in inactive employees taking part in sport
• After 6 months: 84% of inactive employees reaching 150 minutes of exercise each week
• After 6 months: Sickness absence reduced by 0.6 days
• 19% increase in employees cycling to work
• 16% increase in employees walking to work

Quick HR 7 point checklist to assist you with your workplace wellbeing practices

1. How Wellbeing centric is your Sickness Policy? Mindfulness is a hot topic right now and includes the workplace. Policies should be about the people. They’re about changing our culture, opening up and showing empathy.

2. Is your Wellbeing Strategy really imbedded? It’s all very well putting a strategy in place but employees lose confidence over something that is ignored and rarely referred to.

3. How clear are Expectations of staff? Lack of communication, unclear deadlines and poorly constructed management lines can increase stress, leaving employees demoralised and unsupported.

4. What prevention are you putting in place to reduce absence? Addressing the causes of workplace stress will significantly reduce absence and in turn engender loyalty and an increase of productivity.

5. What Employee Support do you offer? The workplace can significantly impact on employees. Feedback and regular 1:1s can help gauge general satisfaction but having a fun, team friendly atmosphere can also help colleagues to share.

6. How flexible are your working hours? Reports increasingly show that flexible options increase productivity and boost employee empowerment. However the inability to ‘switch off’ due to the availability of emails in particular outside of the office can cause increase in stress.

7. Do you understand the application process for EU nationals to gain settled or pre-settled status? With so much political uncertainty do your employees feel supported?

Our strapline is “It’s all about the people”. The passion for people doesn’t stop there… You HR Consultancy Limited only works with Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the Not for Profit (NfP) sector, with an ethos of achieving a purpose, not just making a profit. With our newly launched You HR Academy that can house clients bespoke learning and development online, our success rate of achieving efficiencies for clients is second to none.

Get in touch at or call us on 01491 820764 to find out how we can help You!