Jamals Saffron

Jul 18, 2018 | Insights, News

Jericho has certainly experienced something of a transformation in recent years, certainly for the better. Originally home to Oxford University Press (still very much a part of the area) and the rows and rows of terraced houses which housed OUP workers, the nearby Morris Radiators would draw in workers from nearby Jericho. It’s an area which used to have a real energy about it and, I’m pleased to say, this seems to be coming back with an altogether different environment with excellent restaurants, shops and the new architecturally acclaimed Blavatnik School of Government.

For B4 readers who remember the excellent Saffron in Summertown and who have also experienced the wonders of Jamals in Walton Street (Jericho), you will be pleased to hear that these two powerhouses of the Indian restaurant scene in Oxford have come together under one roof. I treated the grandchildren to an early evening supper at the new Jamals Saffron and we were all reminded just how great the food is.

The smile on the face of owner Ali when he greeted us was so welcoming and set us up for a lovely evening. Ranging from 14 to 21 (and dare I say it, 70+) our table in the window of a still sunny July evening was typical of the wide range of diners eating at a relatively early hour. Having eaten in both Jamals and Saffron (at different times of the day), the clientele is diverse, knowledgeable and respectful of the authentic experience on offer. This isn’t a ‘stumble in at 10.30pm after the pub’ restaurant, although I dare say Jamals Saffron has experienced its share of jolly punters!…..it’s more of a refined, relaxed environment.

With a ravenous 14 year old and an 18 year old who likes to watch what she eats (with a ‘happy to eat anything’ 21 year old and me sandwiched in between), the menu at Jamals Saffron is as diverse as its clientele, with something for everyone.

Our Choices:

To Start
Sharing plate: Chicken tikka, seekh kebab & onion bhaji

Ed: Korma Chicken – Very mild dish cooked in almond & coconut sauce

Alfie: Korma Chicken Tikka – Very mild dish cooked in almond & coconut sauce

Sue: Chicken with Lime – Chicken in thickened sauce with coconut milk, lime juice & fresh herbs

Abi: Sag Rice with Spinach

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