New legislative changes are set to upheave rules from 1st January 2024.

Jan 8, 2024 | News

Here’s an overview of the key changes that will kick-in from the 1st of January 2024: Simplified Holiday Pay Calculations: The proposed changes permit rolled-up holiday pay for part-year workers and those with irregular working hours. Retained EU Case Law Clarification: Carryover of 4 weeks annual leave to the following year in cases where a […]

Here’s an overview of the key changes that will kick-in from the 1st of January 2024:

  • Simplified Holiday Pay Calculations: The proposed changes permit rolled-up holiday pay for part-year workers and those with irregular working hours.
  • Retained EU Case Law Clarification: Carryover of 4 weeks annual leave to the following year in cases where a worker is unable to take leave (Due to sickness or where they are prevented from taking all their holiday due to business demands).
  • Expanded Definition of ‘Normal Remuneration’: ‘Normal remuneration’ for holiday pay calculations will include commission payments and other regular overtime payments.
  • Removal of Additional Record-Keeping Requirements: Working time record-keeping requirements (outlined in the ECJ judgment in CCOO v Deutsche Bank) are to be removed.
  • TUPE Transfer Consultation Flexibility: Small businesses (with fewer than 50 employees) involved in TUPE transfers of any size, and those undertaking a small transfer (with fewer than 10 employees), gain the flexibility to consult employees directly if no existing representatives are in place.
  • Key amendments to the Equality Act (2010) will strengthen the definition of claims regarding; disability, associative discrimination, direct discrimination related to pregnancy, maternity and breastfeeding, equal pay claims, discriminatory statements pertaining to recruitment.

Need help in navigating new regulations? We’ve got a concise breakdown of how these regulations will shake things up for employers and their teams. Take advantage of our free confidential HR & OD Discovery session and find out how we can help you, book you slot by emailing: