Parmigiano Reggiano is the most awarded cheese in the world

Nov 11, 2021 | News

Parmigiano Reggiano has achieved its best ever result at the World Cheese Awards 2021, winning 126 medals. The World Cheese Awards is the most important cheese competition in the world, which took place in Oviedo, Spain this year as part of the International Cheese Festival from 3rd – 6th November. The international jury consisted of 250 experts who awarded Parmigiano Reggiano an all-time record of 7 Super Gold medals, 6 of which were won by dairies belonging to the National Team. Parmigiano Reggiano is the most awarded cheese in the world and won the most Super Gold medals out of all competitors.

This year, the Parmigiano Reggiano National Team — an association of 96 cheese dairies across provinces in the production area – was the largest ever joint mission abroad promoting an Italian cheese, with 10 more dairies involved than in 2019. This group effort earned the National Team 117 medals: 6 Super Gold (best table cheese), 32 Gold43 Silver36 Bronze. The Super Gold medals were won by Azienda Agricola Grana D’Oro of Reggio Emilia, Latteria Collina of Reggio Emilia, Caseificio Rosola di Zocca of Modena, Caseificio Punto Latte of Modena, Latteria Sociale La Nuova 2000 of Reggio Emilia, and Caseificio Sociale Canevaccia of Bologna. The seventh Super Gold was awarded to the Consortium Latterie Virgilio, which competed independently of the National Team.

Nicola Bertinelli, President of the Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium, commented, “Parmigiano Reggiano has once again demonstrated the qualities of a cheese that is unique in the world. We are going home with our heads held high after battling it out with 4,079 cheeses from 48 countries, leaving with a total haul of 126 medals out of 174 competing entries. This success is a source of pride for the entire supply chain, which involves thousands of breeders and 307 artisan dairies every day in the quest for absolute excellence.”

Gabriele Arlotti, Founder of the National Team, added, “We are celebrating 20 years of work in the best way possible, with Parmigiano Reggiano receiving awards from the Apennines to the plains, from all the provinces in the area of origin, and in all its biodiversity: milk from Friesian, Red, White Modena, and Bruna Alpina Brown cows. As an interesting fact, we are once again the cheese with the highest number of Super Gold medals and overall medals. Congratulations to the team in Spain for an event that attracts an audience from all over the world.”

The Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium also sponsored a new award for the Best Female Cheesemaker, which was awarded to Silvia Peláez Navero, owner of Queseria Quesos y Besos which produces Olavidia cheese, a soft goat’s cheese that won the title of the World’s Best Cheese at the World Cheese Awards 2021.

Below are the details of the medals won by the Parmigiano Reggiano National Team.


Super Gold

  • Caseificio Sociale Canevaccia – over 40 months


  • San Giovanni di Querciola – 24-29 months
  • Caseificio Sociale Canevaccia – 24-29 months


  • Fattoria San Rocco – 24-29 months
  • Casearia di Sant’Anna – 24-29 months
  • San Giovanni di Querciola – 30-39 months


  • Caseificio Fior di Latte – 18-23 months
  • Caseificio Fior di Latte – 24-29 months
  • Fattoria San Rocco – 24-29 months



  • Latteria Venera Vecchia – 30-39 months
  • Latteria Marzette – 30-39 months
  • Latteria Quistello – over 40 months


  • Latteria Quistello – 30-39 months


  • Latteria Venera Vecchia – 24-29 months
  • Caseificio Frizza – 24-29 months
  • Latteria Vo Grande – 30-39 months
  • Latteria Sociale Gonfo – over 40 months
  • Latteria Vo Grande – over 40 months
  • Caseificio Frizza – over 40 months


Super Gold

  • Rosola di Zocca – 30-39 months
  • Punto Latte – 30-39 months


  • Cooperativa Casearia Castelnovese – 24-29 months
  • Caseificio Razionale Novese – over 40 months
  • Albalat – 24-29 months
  • 4 Madonne Caseificio dell’Emilia – 30-39 months 


  • Caseificio Dismano – 24-29 months
  • Bonlatte – 30-39 months
  • Caseificio Casello – 30-39 months
  • San Lorenzo – 30-39 months
  • 4 Madonne Caseificio dell’Emilia – over 40 months
  • Antica Latteria Ducale – over 40 months
  • San Lorenzo – over 40 months


  • Caseificio Bioregiani  -18-23 months
  • Punto Latte – 24-29 months
  • Caseificio La Cappelletta – 24-29 months
  • Caseificio Dismano – 30-39 months
  • Cooperativa Casearia Castelnovese – 30-39 months
  • Latteria di Campogalliano – 30-39 months
  • San Bartolomeo – 30-39 months
  • Latteria di Campogalliano – over 40 months



  • Casearia Castelli Gruppo Lactalis – 24-29 months
  • Caseificio Ugolotti – 24-29 months
  • Caseificio di Ravarano e Casaselvatica – 30-39 months
  • Cooperativa Casearia Agrinascente – over 40 months
  • FRATELLI BRUGNOLI – over 40 months
  • Il Battistero – over 40 months


  • Caseificio Gennari Sergio & Figli – 24-29 months
  • Caseificio Sociale Palazzo – 24-29 months
  • Casearia Castelli – 24-29 months
  • San Bernardino di Caramaschi Mario e C. -30-39 months
  • Cooperativa Casearia Agrinascente Sac – 30-39 months
  • Caseificio San Pietro Val Parma – 30-39 months
  • Fratelli Boldini – 30-39 months
  • Caseificio Sociale di Urzano – over 40 months
  • Caseificio San Pietro Val Parma – over 40 months


  • Araldi Pietro e Luigi – 30-39 months
  • Caseificio Gennari Sergio & Figli – 30-39 months
  • Consorzio Produttori Latte – 30-39 months
  • Casearia Castelli Gruppo Lactalis – 30-39 months
  • Caseificio Ugolotti – 30-39 months
  • Fratelli Boldini – 24-29 months
  • Ambrosi – over 40 months


Super Gold

  • Grana D’Oro Vacche Rosse – 24-29 months
  • Latteria Collina – 24-29 months
  • Latteria Sociale La Nuova 2000 – over 40 months


  • Latteria La Grande – over 40 months
  • Latteria Barchessone – 30-39 months
  • Latteria Villa Curta – 30-39 months
  • Casearia Tricolore – 30-39 months
  • Latteria del Fornacione – 30-39 months
  • Latteria Barchessone – over 40 months
  • Caseificio di Gavasseto  – over 40 months
  • Antica Fattoria Caseificio Scalabrini – 24-29 months
  • Latteria San Giovanni Della Fossa – 24-29 months
  • Latteria Molinazza – 18-23 months


  • Soc. Agricola Barba Piergiorgio e F.lli – over 40 months
  • Caseificio Cavola – 18-23 months
  • Agricola Società Agricola – 18-23 months
  • Latteria Villa Curta – 24-29 months
  • Fattoria Fiori – 24-29 months
  • Latteria Roncocesi – 24-29 months
  • Latteria di Migliara – 24-29 months
  • Latteria Centro Rubbianino – 24-29 months
  • Caseificio Allegro – 24-29 months
  • Caseificio di Gavasseto – 30-39 months
  • Latteria Moderna – 30-39 months
  • Fattoria Fiori – 30-39 months
  • Caseificio Il Boiardo – 30-39 months
  • Caseificio Allegro – 30-39 months
  • Latteria San Girolamo – 30-39 months
  • Caseificio di Marola – 30-39 months
  • Latteria Cagnola – 30-39 months
  • Latteria Centro Rubbianino – 30-39 months
  • Latteria San Giovanni Della Fossa – 30-39 months
  • Latteria Moderna – over 40 months
  • Latteria San Girolamo – over 40 months
  • Nuova Latteria Fontana – 18-23 months


  • Casearia Fratelli Dotti – 24-29 months
  • Latteria Garfagnolo – 24-29 months
  • Latteria La Grande – 24-29 months
  • Caseificio Agricolo del Milanello – 24-29 months
  • Caseificio Il Boiardo – 24-29 months
  • Latteria di Migliara – 30-39 months
  • Latteria San Pietro – 30-39 months
  • Latteria Molinazza – 30-39 months
  • Grana D’Oro Vacche Rosse – over 40 months
  • Caseificio Sociale Castellazzo – over 40 months
  • Antica Latteria Centro Re – over 40 months