Pathways to Zero-Carbon Oxfordshire report welcomed

Jul 2, 2021 | News

The county council was one of many organisations involved in commissioning the report as part of its commitment to a zero carbon future, as outlined in the Carbon Action Framework published last October. The council particularly welcomes the importance of the report in providing an evidence base for the transition to zero carbon and the role of partnerships in achieving these goals.

Councillor Dr Pete Sudbury, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change Delivery and Environment, said: “We are leading the way in cutting carbon, from getting our own house in order by replacing the county’s streetlighting with energy efficient LED alternatives, to working with Innovate UK to develop a net-zero energy system for Oxfordshire.

“The decade to 2030 is a critical period to accelerate the decarbonisation of our economy. Building on the momentum that has been growing over the last ten years is a huge challenge, as acknowledged in the report. We will review the findings and recommendations in detail with our internal programme board and with our partners around the county so that we continue to respond to this climate emergency with the innovation, determination and dedication that it requires.”