Positive Steps to Recovery With… Salim Benadel of Storm Internet

Jul 17, 2020 | News

2. Versatility
Gave us an opportunity to test how versatile we were as a business and how we could quickly adapt to change.

3. My first public speaking event
Did my first public speaking event – something Richard has been saying I should do for a while! I enjoyed it and it was great to get some positivity out there. If you’re worried about speaking publicly, get one out of the way in a safe environment like B4. This came about because I had my holiday cancelled – every cloud has a silver lining!

4. Get Perspective – don’t live in a world of fear
There’s been nothing in recent times like the COVID situation that has been as good at demonstrating just how negative and one-sided the broadcast and tabloid media are. I used the opportunity in a positive way to teach my children about perspective, to question everything and to always do their own research on facts and stats before believing just what the media or anyone else tells them. It’s taught them a valuable life lesson.

5. Family bonding
I’ve done so many new things with my two young girls due to closures of the typical places we would normally visit. We’ve found fields to walk that we never knew existed, we’ve built dens, climbed trees, been canoeing, observed the various stages of the farming lifecycle firsthand, seen loads of wildlife and have had some amazing adventures! There’s nothing more important than family so from this perspective this has all been a massive positive.