Positive Steps with Christopher Sing of Freeths

Aug 12, 2020 | News

2. New ways to collaborate / support: What used to happen in the office was that the team would throw some ideas around in an ad hoc fashion whenever something came up and we still do that via instant message. What I have learned is that because those ‘water cooler’ moments of inspiration aren’t happening as often, we can plan regular sessions just for support / brainstorming by making time for each other in our diaries. The outcomes are at least good if not better. Before consciously allocating time to think and share, people were worrying that they may be intruding by making a call and could be keeping someone from another meeting and not getting their full attention and focus on the issue at hand.

3. Joined Up Thinking: I was on a client video call the other day with an immigration lawyer from our Leeds office and a tax lawyer from our London office – that sort of instant collaboration wouldn’t have happened before. Now we can have all three of us on the call at the same time to co-create solutions which is more time efficient and effective for everyone and a better use of our clients’ time.

4. Family Time: At lunchtime I will be spending time blowing up a paddling pool or going on a bike ride. I’m not driving to and from work at the moment so I’ve improved on my share of cooking. This is all positive for my mind, although perhaps not for the palette of my family, and it’s less stressful for me. Having kids off school has been a real challenge for everyone but, I’m sure when we look back, we will all be grateful for the additional time we’ve all managed to spend together.

5. Speed: I’ve worked out that some projects can be carried out a lot quicker. For example, a seminar historically would have had a six week lead time…now it’s a week to put out a live webinar. The information we’re putting out needs to be disseminated quicker because it’s changing so quickly and the clients want that information quicker.