Sobell House focus on Scott Fraser

Sep 27, 2019 | Insights, News

The 40 Club provides a great opportunity for local businesses to support Sobell House in a number of ways and B4 took time out to speak to David Blythman and Andrew Greenwood from Scott Fraser about their partnership with this highly respected local charity.

Please tell B4 why you decided to support Sobell House and the 40 Club

We decided to support Sobell following visits to a close friend and business associate who was cared for at the end of a short illness and seeing first-hand the caring process and the amazing people that work there. What affected us most was the incredibly positive and upbeat atmosphere throughout the building. Tim Wraith had been knocking on our door for a few years so after our commitment to the High Sheriffs challenge ended we signed up to the Sobell House 40 Club. The 40 Club is an opportunity for businesses to form a close partnership and raise a certain amount of money over a four-year period. We liked the idea of a longer involvement with a charity and the opportunity to build lasting relationships. We also felt that Sobell House would resonate with the public as most people are aware at some level of the palliative care they offer or have had a friend or family member who has needed their support.

Do you think supporting a local well known charity helps position your business?

I suppose it will give potential clients an insight into the sort of company and people they will be working with but it’s also really important to us to be involved in the local community. We have had a lot of support from the people in the areas where we operate and it feels right to be trying to put something back and making a contribution.

How have your staff risen to the challenge?

The team have been amazing and in the few months since we joined the 40 Club we have almost raised half of our four-year target. They have been organising charity coffee mornings, cake bakes and lunches in our offices. They have joined in Sobell House events such as the recent Light The Night Walk, participated in Fun Runs and raised sponsorship monies. They have put their hands in their own pockets and “rattled the tin” round friends and contacts.

Would you say that your colleagues are motivated and productive as a result of partnering with Sobell House?

Our team is now 70 strong and many of them have known people who have needed Sobell House. The charity has really resonated with Scott Fraser and we are confident that we will hit our fundraising target. The next event we are organising is a quiz night for our contractors at Tap Social with all funds raised to Sobell House.

And lastly, what message would you like to give other businesses considering partnering with Sobell House

I would tell them not to hesitate. Not only is it a great cause but there is a positive spin off benefit that seems to have energised our team. Sobell House are well organised which helps when you are organising events and need input and publicity materials. They put on lots of events themselves including informative business breakfasts, golf days and much more. They also have a great ambassador in Tim Wraith whose gentle enthusiasm is infectious.
If you are interested in forming a partnership with Sobell House and would like to know more please contact their Corporate Partnerships Manager, Tim Wraith.