Storm internet kick start north Kidlington school’s Chromebook project

Sep 27, 2019 | Insights, News

The £2,000 donation by Storm Internet delivered a healthy start to the fundraising campaign, which, at the time of writing, already passed the halfway mark towards its goal of £24,000.

According to Storm Internet CEO Salim Benadel, Chromebooks will offer a varied and engaging platform for development.

“Our children’s lives are filled with technology. Their ability to embrace rapidly changing developments is now an integral part of their education. This is why the Chromebook Project is so significant for North Kidlington School,” said Benadel.

Chromebooks are lightweight laptops which run Google’s Chrome Operating System. They are mostly internet-dependent and make use of Google’s cloud platform for collaboration, storage, and subject-related apps.

Due to the low overhead processing requirements, these notebooks require less hardware resources than conventional laptops and desktop computers, which makes them more affordable.

According to Head Teacher Ms. Emilie Fidler, becoming a Chromebook school means more than just having extra computing equipment.
“This move will better prepare our children for the future by integrating computing across the curriculum rather than teaching it as a specific lesson. We have been looking into a lot of options and we truly believe that Chromebooks are our best option.”

For Benadel the bigger picture is just as important, with Chromebooks playing a role that extends beyond a learning tool.

“It is important children leave education with the mindset required to work in a digital environment, and it is vital that these opportunities are available to children from all backgrounds. Storm Internet’s philosophy has always been to make people’s lives better, whether in the corporate arena or even at school.”

The school aims to purchase 90 Chromebook laptops once its target has been reached.

North Kidlington School serves Kidlington and teaches primary school students from ages four to eleven. You too can help the school reach its goal of £24,000 with a donation of your choice. Contact Ms Emilie Fidler for more information at