The Season of New Beginnings in Your Leadership Journey

Mar 2, 2023 | News

What Do You Want to Achieve?

We all have ideas on what we hope to achieve, in our personal lives as well as our careers, but have you made a conscious choice to consider these aspirations? Let’s bring it back to your leadership journey. As we have mentioned before, it is not necessarily about starting that journey, as you will already have shown that you are a leader in many other areas of your life. Arranging a weekend trip or holiday, dealing with family conflict, negotiating an allowance with your parents when you were younger. All these things require skills that are transferable to a leadership role in your career. So, it is more about your next steps on your leadership journey.

Take a moment to write down what you hope to achieve in your career and professional life over the next 12 months. Having it written down in front of you will help you to clarify what you want to accomplish and will then help you to realise these objectives by making a plan.

How Will You Accomplish Your Goals?

Having a clear picture of what you hope to achieve and setting a timescale for these objectives is helpful, but the next step is more of a practical one – what will you do in order to make these goals achievable? Are you looking to progress your career onto the next step? A promotion? A leadership or management role with more responsibility? What do you need to prepare yourself for this next challenge? At Learn Love Look Ahead, that is what is at the heart of what we do. We understand that everyone’s journey and situation is unique, and we create our learning programmes with this in mind. 

Step Forward, Step Up, Step Change

Whatever stage you are at in your leadership journey, our Explore, Navigate and Pioneer programmes are designed to fit into your leadership learning requirements, providing you with relevant, real-life teaching that you can utilise to achieve your leadership and management goals. We also offer the opportunity to upgrade to an accredited ILM certification, adding another string to your bow when putting yourself forward for new opportunities, and giving employers a clear idea of your level of understanding of leadership requirements as well as practical knowledge that will enable you to get to that next stage in your career.

We are passionate about empowering young leaders in their careers.

If you would like to find out more about any of our courses, you can email for a no obligation consultation or visit