Twitch In-App Purchases In H1 2021 – $195.5M; 140% Higher Than H1 2020

Oct 1, 2021 | News

Twitch Generated Nearly $200M In In-App Purchases In H1 2021

The gaming industry flourished as businesses were forced to shut and citizens were forced to find alternative ways of entertainment within the confines of their own homes. Naturally, the gaming industry, which was already growing rapidly prior to the events of 2020, experienced a surge in engagement. This momentum has clearly carried over to 2021 as evidenced by one of the gaming world’s most recognizable names.

Video-game streaming platform giants, Twitch experienced an impressive 2020 but pales in comparison to 2021’s early figures. In the Q1 and Q2 of 2021, Twitch generated $98.7M and $96.8M respectively, in in-app purchases for a combined total of $195.5M for H1 2021. This figure is an estimated 140% increase from H1 2020 when in-app purchases amounted to just $81.5M. The first quarter of 2021 is also a 35.3% QoQ increase from Q4 2020.

Number Of Downloads Still Well Above Pre-Pandemic Levels

The number of twitch app downloads also dramatically increased in 2020 most especially in Q2, the first full quarter affected by the pandemic. After the global onset of the pandemic, the Twitch app was downloaded 24.92M times in Q2 2020, an almost 90% increase from the 13.12M downloads experienced in Q1 2020.

The number of downloads has yet to reach the heights of Q2 2020 again but still remain well above pre-pandemic levels. In the first half of 2021, the Twitch app was downloaded almost 40M times, with Q1 setting 21.74M downloads and Q2 generating 18.17M downloads.

Rex Pascual, esports editor at, commented:

“Twitch looks set to continue the momentum built from 2020’s pandemic with an impressive first-half performance. Most in the industry see 2020’s increased engagement as a catalyst, that expedited expected growth rather than a fluke, benefiting from a one-off event. Twitch’s H1 performance is early evidence that the former is likely true.”

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