Why do we celebrate IWD?

Mar 7, 2022 | News

IWD is a chance for us to realise how far this conversation has come but also how much work there still is to do.

The reason we celebrate on the 8th March dates back to 1917 when Russian women demanded “bread and peace”. Four days into their strike the Tsar of Russia was forced to abdicate and the provisional government granted Women’s the right to vote. It is important that we celebrate Women’s achievements and increasing visibility. I feel honoured to know so many great women who stand up for what they believe in and help other women to help themselves. I would like to share this wonderful quote from Maya Angel’s who said “At the end of the day, people will not remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel”.

We have come a long way but Equality is still far off:

  • Just 220 out of 650 seats in Parliament are held by women.
  • An estimated 303,000 women worldwide die in childbirth or during pregnancy each year.
  • On average, women earn 24 per cent less than men, the UN found. Equality will not be until 2059.
  • One woman in three is a victim of sexual or physical violence.
  • Only 48 women have been awarded Nobel Prizes – 822 men.
  • Sex-selective abortions have led to 23 million fewer girls being born, mainly in China and India.
  • One woman in four alive today was a child bride.
  • Female genital mutilation is thought to affect 137,000 women and girls in the UK.
  • Ninety per cent of the world’s population hold some prejudice against women, a UN study found last week.

Want to do more? Then talk to us at The Wellbeing Gen if you want to learn more about creating inclusive learning cultures for women in your workplace email natalie@thewellbeinggeneration.org.uk